'Safe to Talk' sexual harm and violence helpline launched nationwide

April 20, 2018 at 11:42 AM

*From the NZFVC*

A new helpline has been launched to support people affected by 'sexual harm' and sexual violence.

Safe to talk - He pai ki te kōrero launched nationwide on 16 April 2018. The helpline provides 24/7 access to free and confidential information and support by phone, text, email or online chat. People can get advice and support from trained specialists and be connected to support services in their community. The www.safetotalk.nz website also provides information and resources.

People can contact the helpline to get information and support for themselves, for someone else, or with general inquiries. Support is available in relation to someone having experienced sexual violence, or having harmed someone or having thoughts of harming someone.

Contact the helpline by:

Calling: 0800 044 334

Texting: 4334

Emailing: support@safetotalk.nz

Live webchat on www.safetotalk.nz

Click here to learn more.

Category: Service