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Robocop or GoPro Cops
February 12, 2014 at 2:07 PM
Smart-phone sized cameras worn by front line police officers on duty are being trialled in England. Minister Judith Collins liked what she saw, and just might try them out in New Zealand on a 6 month trial with the Corrections officers in trial prisons.
Compared to oral evidence, these lapel devices are apparently more reliable in securing convictions as offenders cannot argue with video footage of the crime.
Minister Collins is also intent on doing more work on domestic violence. Not surprising since the 2nd New Zeland UPR Report attracted much dialogue on this very problem. As well the ACC costs of sexual and family violence claims has prompted it to develope 'a three-year sexual and family violence prevention programme. Last year the insurer paid out $44.3 million on 15,795 claims.
Strategy manager Emma Powell said it dealt with about 5000 new cases every year, but only 7 per cent of domestic violence was reported to authorities.'