Review of family violence laws: Discussion Document

August 07, 2015 at 8:16 AM

Review of family violence laws: Government discussion document released

*From the NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse*

Justice Minister Amy Adams has released a discussion document on New Zealand's legislative response to family violence.

The Clearinghouse has published a reading guideto assist people making submissions. It provides access to relevant research and legislation, from New Zealand and internationally. It covers a wide range of topics relevant to the review.

Strengthening New Zealand’s legislative response to family violence: A public discussion document, a summary and information about how to make submissions is available on the Ministry of Justice website. Submissions close on 18 September 2015.

The discussion document sets out preliminary ideas and questions, rather than a proposed package of reforms. It covers a range of issues in five parts: understanding family violence, victim safety, prosecuting family violence perpetrators, an additional pathway to safety, and better services for victims, perpetrators and whānau.

The recent family court reforms, eligibility for legal aid, the Solicitor-General's Prosecution Guidelines and funding for organisations are out of scope for the review.

The discussion document is the first step in a process. After the consultation period, Ministry of Justice officials will provide policy options to the Justice Minister. The JusticeMinister may then seek Cabinet's agreement to her preferred options. If Cabinet agrees, a Bill will be drafted. There would then be an opportunity for making submissions on the Bill to a Parliamentary Select Committee.

The discussion paper was broadly welcomed by Women's Refuge, Shine, White Ribbon, the Green Party and the Labour Party.

For more information including related media articles visit the NZFVC website

Category: Submissions