Protecting Children with Disabilities

October 23, 2014 at 10:25 AM

Children with a disability are more at risk of being abused than non-disabled children. However they are less likely than other children in need to become the subject of child protection plans. This suggests the risks to children with disabilities are not well identified. This workshop will address the vulnerability of children with a disability.

What the Workshop will cover:

  • Signs and symptoms of abuse
  • The key to identifying suspected abuse of a child with a disability
  • The effects of abuse on children
  • What makes a child with a disAbility more vulnerable to abuse
  • How suspected abuse of a child with a disability is often discounted
  • Risk factors associated with abuse
  • How to respond if a child discloses abuse
  • How to report abuse

This workshop will involve small and large group discussion. Participants are also encouraged to share their ideas and experiences.


One day (9.00am – 4.00pm)

Who should register?

Mental Health Workers, Social Service Providers, Family Support Workers, Caregivers, and anyone involved in supporting children and young people in the disability sector.


For more information email us on or phone 07 838 3370.

Click here for an Enrolment Form

Category: Training