Policy Watch Newsletter

August 05, 2016 at 10:56 AM

Policy Watch 2nd August 2016

Welcome to the latest Policy Watch e-newsletter and for this edition we reflect on the contribution of non profit organisations in New Zealand.

It might have taken nine long years but the “Non-profit institutions satellite account: 2013″ [NPISA], produced by Statistics New Zealand, contains a wealth of data about how the non profit sector has fared since the 2004 satellite account was first published in 2007.

The story is mixed. The data indicate areas of positive contribution but also signs of increased precariousness across the non profit sector. A point explored by Garth Nowland Foreman, LEAD and NZCCSS Council member, at a recent Community Research webinar : The size and significance of the New Zealand not-for-profit sector.

Given the increased role played by community organisations in activities traditionally contracted to government, NPISA is a critical source of information to understand the impact of this trends on the non profit sector.  Here’s hoping we won’t have to wait another nine years for the next update.


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