Pasefika Proud: Samoan Family Violence Training

April 13, 2018 at 10:14 AM

*From the NZFVC*

When & where:

Christchurch, 26 - 28 April 2018.

Auckland, 25-27 July 2018.

Training provided by Pasefika Proud.

FreePlaces limited. To register, contact: Akesa Filimoehala-Burling (Programme Manager, Pacific Family Violence Training Programme).

The Nga Vaka Conceptual Frameworks inform eight ethnic specific programmes. The programmes provide participants with an in-depth insight to cultural approaches to achieving family wellbeing, especially when dealing with family violence.

This cultural training has been developed to target qualified Pacific practitioners such as social workers, counsellors etc., either working specifically with Pacific families in the area of family violence or who are working with Pacific families and deal with family violence incidences or support as part of their wider work.

Click here for more information.

Category: Training