Parenting Through Separation 2017 October to December Auckland Course Information

September 08, 2017 at 8:43 AM

As you may be aware, Plunket delivers the Parenting Through Separation Course in Auckland together with co-providers Triple P, Barnardos and Lifewise. This is a Ministry of Justice free information programme to help separating parents focus on their children and make good parenting decisions. The four-hour course is to help parents avoid the court system when arranging the care of their children after separation. Note: We also offer one course a quarter delivered in Mandarin (see attached schedule for details).

Attached please find the schedule of courses for the next three months (October to December 2017). We would be very grateful if you could share this information with any parent clients you feel would benefit by attending.

Up-to-date scheduling information and online enrolment is available at

Attached please find copies of:

For further information email or phone 0800 663 714.

Category: Programmes