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Online survey now open on interventions with family violence perpetrators
September 01, 2016 at 5:31 PM
Online survey now open on interventions with family violence perpetrators
From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
An online survey on interventions with perpetrators of family violence is now open.
The survey is part of research being carried out under the perpetrator interventions workstream of the Ministerial Work Programme on Family Violence and Sexual Violence.
The perpetrator interventions workstream is being led by the Department of Corrections. Partner agencies include the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Justice, Te Puni Kōkiri and NZ Police.
The survey seeks to understand the experience of providers who are delivering services to perpetrators of family violence, to better understand what is being delivered and where the gaps might be. It seeks to understand the current state of perpetrator interventions, and views on what people believe is working well and not so well, before starting to think about what might need to change. The survey is open to people directly delivering services, or with an interest in this area.
The survey is now open online, and will remain open until Wednesday 14 September 2016 at 5pm. More information about the research is available in this list of Frequently Asked Questions.
The research is being led by Professor Devon Polaschek, a psychologist from Victoria University of Wellington and two research assistants (one of whom will be a Māori clinician). It also includes focus groups and a small number of site visits to providers.
People who have already participated in a focus group or site visit in relation to this workstream are advised that there is no need to answer the survey. However if you have not yet had a chance to participate, or you have additional things to add, you are most welcome to respond.
The work is focusing on strengthening what is working well and improving the system to better support those directly affected by family violence and to hold perpetrators to account. The outcomes of this work programme will mean change for everyone – especially victims and perpetrators – by seeking to ensure the system is joined up and easy to navigate.
The perpetrator interventions workstream is required to report back its findings to Ministers in November 2016.
If you have any questions or need more information about the perpetrators interventions workstream, you can email Zoey Henley, Principal Advisor – Family Violence, Department of Corrections.
More information about the wider work programme on the following web pages:
Ministry of Justice - Reducing family and sexual violence
Ministry of Social Development - Ministerial Group on Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme
New Zealand Police - Integrated Safety Response (ISR) pilot