New website provides information on sexual assault medical services

August 17, 2017 at 3:19 PM

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

A new Sexual Assault Assessment and Treatment Service (SAATS) online network has been launched by Medical Sexual Assault Clinicians Aotearoa (MEDSAC). MEDSAC was formerly Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care (DSAC).

MEDSAC said that for clinicians, the network provides "quality assured 'best practice' guidelines, expert support and advice, and a forum where clinicians can share experiences and knowledge."

For the public, the SAATS-link website provides contact details for 18 health clinics around the country that provide specialised sexual assault medical services.

The website also provides links to ACC and a series of videos created by NZ Police earlier in 2017, setting out the process of reporting a sexual assault to the Police.

MEDSAC is funded by police, ACC and the Ministry of Health.

Radio NZ reported that the network has been launched after a two-year review of services.

Related information

Information on specialist NGO support services for victims and/or perpetrators of sexual violence is available from these websites:

Te Ohaakii a Hine - National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together

The Harbour

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