New Out West LSN Meeting

October 23, 2014 at 10:20 AM

Welcoming Newcomers – let’s make a difference – together – in the West!

The Whau Local Board is charged with creating the world’s most liveable city at the local level across the settlements of New Windsor, Avondale, Blockhouse Bay, Green Bay, New Lynn and Kelston, and wishes to see more community and civic participation by new migrants and more migrant-newcomer responsive services in the Whau.

This Local Settlement Network/New Out West Meeting is co-hosted by the Waitakere Ethnic Board (WEB) and the Auckland Regional Migrant Services (ARMS) Trust.

Purpose of this LSN Meeting:  To progress the planning for a Whau Community Hub that enhances access to services for its diverse newcomers and communities through information sharing and group discussion.

Brief programme outline:
• Welcome by Whau Local Board
• General remarks and updates by representatives from MBIE, CAB, and WEB
• ‘The Changing Face of Whau’ – presentation by Auckland Council
• Facilitated group discussions
• Action planning

Desired outcomes for this LSN Meeting:
i) A shared understanding about:
• Whau’s diverse populations and settlement patterns
• Which agencies are responsible for newcomer information and support
• What models exist for shared service space?
• Who needs to be involved?
• Essential elements for a shared services model responsive to Whau’s diverse communities
• Where could a service space be located in the Whau?
• How can we collaborate to make this happen?
ii) A collaborative action plan to progress the establishment of a Whau community hub

Date:              Thursday October 30th
Start Time:     9.00am registration for a 9.15 start.
Finish Time:   1.30pm (including lunch)
Venue:           Bay Olympic Soccer & Sports Club:  Olympic Park, 36                             Portage Road.
Parking:         Large carpark – entrance from Portage Road

RSVP for catering purposes: 

Category: Community Notices