New movement Gender Equal NZ launched to address sexism and stereotypes

September 14, 2017 at 3:41 PM

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

Gender Equal NZ is a movement focused on addressing gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes that persist in Aotearoa New Zealand, preventing women and gender diverse people from achieving their potential.

The National Council of Women is leading the movement. Spokesperson Vanisa Dhiru said "As New Zealanders we like to think we are a fair and just country. But there's a gap – between what we think equality is and the reality."

Gender Equal NZ will work to establish a benchmark on the state of gender equality in New Zealand and identify strategies to hold New Zealanders to account on improving outcomes, including policy makers.

There are three initial projects planned:

  • "the first national survey on gender attitudes to understand how attitudes affect outcomes;
  • collecting the latest data on gender inequality so there's an agreed set of metrics against which to hold policymakers to account;
  • and establishing a number of taskforces to tackle gender norms."

The Gender Equal NZ website lists the outcomes the work programme is focused on:

  • "All genders to be safe from violence
  • All genders to have their health needs met
  • All genders to be encouraged and to have equal opportunities to learn
  • All genders to receive mandatory education on sexual consent
  • All genders to be supported, encouraged and fairly represented in leadership
  • All genders to have an equal standard of living
  • All genders to have their paid and unpaid work valued
  • All genders to receive equal treatment in the media and be represented equally."

See the Gender Equal NZ website to find out more about the planned projects and ways to get involved.

Related information

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Goal number five is to "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls."

UN Women has recently published a spotlight on global progress towards this goal. The document uses infographics and includes information on intimate partner violence, harmful practices, gender data gaps and more.


Gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes are the targets of a new movement led by the National Council of Women, Newshub, 05.09.2017

Category: Campaigns