National Police Open Day 2015

NZ Police are holding a nationwide open day on Sunday the 18th of October. There are a range of events happening in Auckland. 


Auckland City and Counties Manukau:

Helicopters, Police dogs, live performances, and motorbikes are just some of the interactive activities that will be at the Auckland City and Counties Manukau New Zealand Police National Open Day this Sunday (18 October 2015).

The event is being held between 11am and 3pm at Ellerslie Raceway. 

Entry and car parking is free so it is a fantastic day out for the entire family and a great opportunity to meet the people behind the uniform

Deputy Commissioner Mike Clement will be in attendance.

Here is a rundown of the day:

11:00 am              Doors open
11:45 am              Police Dog Display
12:45 pm              Public Order Policing (Riot Squad) Display
1:45 pm                Celebrity vs Police Physical Competency Challenge
2:45 pm                Armed Offenders Policing Scenario

In between these times there will be performances involving a number of community groups.

Here is a full list of the activities that will be at the event: Police Cars and Motorbikes, our Schools  / Communities  / Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Public Safety Units, Search & Rescue, Armed Offenders Squad, Forensics, Detectives at a crime scene, Road Policing, Special Tactics Group, Maritime Unit,  Police Helicopter, Specialist Search Group,  Police Horses, Community Patrols, games, competitions, uniform dress-up for the kids, guest performers on our live stage, DJs, food, photo contests, prizes to be won.


North Shore Policing Centre:


52 Parkway Drive, Mairangi Bay


11am to 2pm
  • Communications Centres
  • Vintage cars
  • Specialist Search Team
  • Bryan and Bobby
  • Pipe Band
  • Recruitment
  • Maritime
  • Motorways
  • Search and Rescue
  • Armed Offenders Squad
  • Dogs
  • Highway Patrol