MY RIVR Community Forum

August 04, 2017 at 12:22 PM


MYRIVR Community Forum

To be held at Activity Room 2, Kelston Community Centre.
Come along and learn about…

Ground breaking new App “MYRIVR” hits the streets to give instant access to social services available in your local community.

“It’s a game changer”, this exciting new app MYRIVR, with more than 6000 services listed “in app” MYRIVR has revolutionised social services access for the New Zealand public and made it easier than ever to get help when and where its needed.

Using MYRIVR is easy:
1. Open the MYRIVR App
2. MYRIVR’s GPS function will find your nearest providers
3. Select a provider and refer yourself with MYRIVR’s unique ‘Request Help’ function.
4. Track your progress

Come and see for yourself, meet its creators, and learn how technology is making access to public services easier than ever
Light refreshments served.
RSVP by 8 Sep

Category: Events