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MSD update on sexual violence services - frameworks to be drafted
March 02, 2017 at 6:25 PM
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
The latest update from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) on the development of sexual violence services is now available.
Initial consultations on the Sexual Violence Crisis Support Services (previously referred to as the First Response Sexual Violence Services), Sexual Violence Information and Support Service and Harmful Sexual Behavior Services have finished. In March, the Government plans to release draft service frameworks related to the crisis support services and the information and support service. This will be followed by regional hui to provide further feedback, in April. A service framework will also be drafted for harmful sexual behaviour services.
Consultation and work has begun on further developing and supporting services for male survivors of sexual abuse.
Regarding funding for current sexual violence crisis services contracts which expire on 30 June 2017, the update stated:
"We are aware that funding and contracts for crisis support services funded by the Ministry of Social Development end on 30 June 2017. We are now finalising what will happen from 1 July 2017. Further information will be available in the next update."
This was also noted for contracts related to harmful sexual behaviour services.
For more information see the full MSD update. Also see the previous MSD update on sexual violence service development.
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