*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

The Ministry of Social Development has released more documents relating to the collection of individual client level data (ICLD), under the Official Information Act.

The documents released contain a range of material, including internal emails and official advice to Ministers on the proposal to collect client level data from non-government organisations.

The documents can be viewed on the Ministry of Social Development website.

Background information

In May 2017, Ministers Amy Adams and Anne Tolley announced that the Government would not collect ICLD from NGOs until a new data protection and use policy is in place.

The Ministers stated the work would be transferred to the new Social Investment Agency which would "lead a Working Group with Statistics New Zealand and NGOs to agree on an approach to increasing the availability of data in a way that is scalable, and builds and maintains trust and confidence."

For background information see these previous NZFVC news stories:

Updates, events and resources on "social investment" approach (includes recent updates)

Government pauses on collecting individual client level data from NGOs

MSD releases report from review of client level data privacy breach

Government announces independent review of client level data IT system

Privacy Commissioner's report criticises MSD collection of individual client level data

Temporary reprieve for sexual violence services on individual client level data

Research project investigates people’s views of data linkage

Consultations on more proposed government agency information sharing

Government continues work on integrated data and "social investment"

Concerns and public meeting on NGOs and provision of individual client level data

ComVoices paper highlights issues with govt requiring individual client level data

MSD to require individual client level data from community agencies