Mixit Summer Project 2014

December 05, 2013 at 11:18 AM

Calling Teenagers and Youth to Mixit Summer Project 2014...

Each summer Mixit runs its epic annual performance project at Corbans Estate Arts Centre.

If you like to perform, are over 14 years old, can perform in the January dates and want to join Mixit, this project is for you! Don't Delay

They are inviting newcomers to this great opportunity for young people from all backgrounds - migrant, refugee and local.

If you have teenagers or work with youth why not encourage them to join Mixit and get them to register today.

Performance dates: Sat 25th and Sun 26th January 2014

More Information on this flyer

Contact Wendy at Mixit Team Phone 09 838 3095 Mob 021 255 7937 or

Email info@mixit.co.nz

Category: Community Notices