Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act - submissions due 11 April 2019

April 05, 2019 at 11:27 AM

From New Zealand Parliament

Public submissions are now being called for the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill.

The Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill aims to:

  • classify two synthetic cannabinoids, AMB-FUBINACA and 5F-ADB, as Class A drugs​
  • affirm in legislation the discretion for Police to prosecute for possession and use of all drugs
  • specify that, when considering prosecuting for possession and use, consideration should be given to whether a health-centred or therapeutic approach would be more beneficial
  • enable temporary drug class orders to be issued for emerging and potentially harmful substances.

The bill intends to address the harm being caused by synthetic drugs, and others, by ensuring that legislation focuses on those who important, manufacture, and supply the drugs and not those who use them. The bill’s explanatory note states that “Addressing drug-related harm requires a health-based response, rather than a punitive one, so that people can access the health and social support services they need.”

The closing date for submissions is Thursday, 11 April 2019.

Click here for more information

Category: Policy and Legislation