Men Against Sexual Violence Hikoi

May 27, 2015 at 4:26 PM

Time to dust off your walking shoes folks; this Friday there is a Hikoi happening in Waitakere to support the kaupapa Men Against Sexual Violence (MASV). 

Friday 29 May 7am at the Trusts Stadium

The hikoi is being organised and led by Kelvin Davis with support from Korowai Tumanako, a kaupapa Maori sexual violence prevention organisation.  The hikoi has cross government support with a number of members from different political parties attending.
The organisers would like to send a warm welcome to you to attend the launch and participate in the first leg of the hikoi from the Trusts Stadium to Te Whānau o Waipareira.

The hikoi will march the length of Te Tai Tokerau to raise awareness and funds to prevent sexual violence.
A facebook page is currently being set up but in the meantime if you have any questions you can email:

Category: Community Notices