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Commissioned Report: Measuring the effectiveness of the ‘whole-of-system’ response to prevent family violenceThe ‘Measuring the effectiveness of the ‘whole-of-system’ response to prevent family violence’ report provides a useful platform for considering how systems approaches might be developed to assess the effectiveness of integrated responses to complex social issues. Around the world government and non-government organisations are struggling to assess and report how well they are doing in areas of the health, social and justice sectors. We need to be able to estimate and measure effectiveness in order to measure outcomes of our interventions. Considerable work has been done in comparing performance of particular initiatives but when our interest is on the ‘system’ there is no consensus as to how it should be measured. Superu commissioned the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) to develop and test a proof of concept systems approach to measure the effectiveness of the ‘whole-of-system’ response to prevent family violence – one of society’s complex social issues. This report highlights the challenges in ‘whole of system’ approaches to measuring effectiveness of responses to social sector subjects of concern such as family violence. It reconfirms the specific issues around quality and access of data for the effectiveness of these whole of system approaches.
Click here to view the full report Click here to view the summary