Massey Community Treasure Hunt & Neighbours Day

March 13, 2014 at 9:00 AM

Kia Ora!


Massey Matters are running their annual “Our Amazing Place Community Treasure Hunt and Neighbours Day Picnic” on Saturday 29 March.

This year’s event is starting at Lincoln Heights School off Keegan Drive at 10.30am and finishing at the top of Doone Place.

The picnic will be held in Lincoln Heights School field from 12pm -2pm.

Registration opens at 10.15pm

There is a free goodie bag for the first 100 adults who register on the day and some fabulous prizes to be won!

So pack a picnic and a drink, or bring some cash to spend at the picnic and enjoy Massey’s Fun Day out for the whole community!

For all queries ph. Olga or Sam at Massey Matters on 832-0431

Flyer for Treasure Hunt

Flyer for Neighbours Day

Category: Community Notices