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Lifeline 2 day Suicide Prevention Course
February 19, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Kia Ora and Warm Pacific Greetings,
Suicide is as community health problem and we all have a role to play.
Learn ASIST an international evidence-based model
and become an effective helper today.
For more information about the course see the e-flyer below.
Also attached is the latest research about ASIST and it's effectiveness.
Community Relationships and Suicide Prevention Manager
021 877 236
+Suicide First Aid
VENUE: City Church Waitakere,
6/133 Central Park Drive.
+Suicide First Aid
VENUE: City Church Waitakere,
6/133 Central Park Drive.
Lifeline Suicide Prevention Education is pleased to bring you ASIST:
- ASIST is an interactive 2 day course that teaches participants to prevent suicide The workshop is based on principles of adult learning. It values the experiences and contributions that participants bring and encourages people to share actively in the learning process.
- ASIST facilitates involvement. Participants will spend over half of the workshop in the same small group with one of the trainers. v Learning in the small and large group is stimulated by audio-visuals and teaching.
- A suicide first-aid model provides a framework for the workshop and skills practice.
- The workshop provides opportunities to learn what a person at risk may need from others in order to keep safe and get more help. Participants consider common factors that may flag potential suicide risk. The workshop also emphasises checking out suicide risk on an individual basis, and working collaboratively with the person to increase their immediate safety.
- Personal and professional experiences that participants bring contribute to everyone’s learning. Experiences with suicide and suicide intervention are focused on the overall learning goal.
- Participants are also encouraged to share and reflect on their attitudes about suicide and hear those of others. People are invited to reflect on how these attitudes may affect their caregiver role with a person at risk and to appreciate diverse perspectives.
- The workshop encourages honest, open and direct talk about suicide as part of preparing people to provide suicide first aid. For further information and dates for upcoming ASIST workshops in your area visit our website:
Category: Training