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Launch of Inaugural Louise Nicholas Day
March 20, 2014 at 9:10 AM
This day aims to review improvements to services and criminal justice responses to those affected by sexual violence since 31st March 2006, the date of the acquittals of two former NZ Police officers and the then Assistant Police Commissioner accused of the rapes of Louise Nicholas in the 1980s.
The Launch will be held from 5 - 7pm, Grey Lynn Library Hall 474 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland.
This inaugural Louise Nicholas Day event will include speeches from specialists within the sexual violence intervention sector, as well as members of parliament speaking about their plans for improving service delivery and the state of criminal justice responses to those affected by sexual violence.
We envision the Louise Nicholas Day becoming a key annual event in Aotearoa New Zealand, acknowledging the huge numbers of people and families affected by sexual violence, reflecting on progress in the sector and identifying areas for growth in the year ahead.
Confirmed speakers so far include: Louise Nicholas (National Sexual Violence Survivor Advocate), Dr Kim McGregor (Rape Prevention Education), Kathryn McPhillips (HELP Auckland), Russell Smith (Korowai Tumanako), Jan Logie (Green Party), Carol Beaumont (Labour Party).
For more detail please contact