Job Vacancy: Waitakere Enviroschools Teacher Aide Pilot

August 17, 2017 at 3:38 PM




Waitakere Improving School Attendance Programme is piloting an exciting “Return to the Workforce” programme for parents who currently receive the Sole Parent Support benefit. We are able to employ 3 Enviroschools Teacher Aides, with one position each in Flanshaw Road Primary, Royal Road School and Tirimoana Primary. The work is during normal school hours.

The Enviroschools Teacher Aides will work closely with the lead Enviroschools teachers and the school caretaker to assist students to implement sustainability projects. These may include class gardens, vegetable gardens, sowing and germinating seeds, maintaining and improving areas, preparing cooking and preserving, outdoor art works, community projects and more. An interest in gardening and sustainability is desirable and a willingness to learn essential! Successful applicants will receive training in horticulture and gardening skills through a network of resources as well as from Enviroschools. 

The positions are for a 26 week fixed term period commencing Monday 11th September 2017. The project is partially funded by Work and Income through the Ministry of Development Flexi-Wage Project in the Community. The rate of pay will be $15.75 per hour. There is no guarantee that the teacher aide positions will continue after the end of the project.

All successful applicants will be required to complete a satisfactory police vet and to be available for interviews during the week Monday 28th August – 29th August 2017.

If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please collect an information pack from one of the school offices listed above or email

If you would like to learn more about these positions, we are holding short information meetings on Monday 21st August:

-  10.00 a.m. at Tirimoana Primary School

-  10.45 a.m. at Flanshaw Primary School

-  11.30 a.m. at Royal Road School

Completed applications may be delivered to any of the school offices at the above schools.

Applications close Friday 25th August at 12 noon.

All inquiries to:  Margaret Campbell, Manager, Waitakere Improving School Attendance Programme.

M: 0274376126  E:

Download the flyer here.

Category: Job Vacancies