Job Vacancy - NZFVC Information Assistant

December 18, 2015 at 8:48 AM

Job Vacancy - NZFVC Information Assistant

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVC) is looking to employ a part-time Information Assistant. The person will work with the Manager and Information Specialist to write and upload content to the NZFVC website and provide administrative support.

The position is for 8 hours per week, on days to be negotiated with the successful applicant.

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is the national centre for family and whānau violence research and information. We provide information and resources for people working towards the elimination of family violence (including intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect and elder abuse). The Clearinghouse is based at the University of Auckland, Tāmaki campus.

Applications close on Friday 15 January 2016. For further information including how to apply, see the position description.


Category: Job Vacancies