Job Vacancy - Glendene Community Coordinator

July 29, 2016 at 10:50 AM

Job Vacancy - Glendene Community Coordinator

• 30 hours per week

• Immediate start

The Glendene Community Society Inc. are looking for a pro-active, community minded person to manage the Glendene Community Hub. The successful applicant will need to develop relationships and networks with community groups; coordinate activities, volunteers and contractors; and will have the day-to-day responsibility for managing the Hub.

We are looking for someone with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in office administration and accounts procedures. Must be computer literate.

Please email or leave a message / text 021 1399127 to request a copy of the Job Description and an Application Form.

Applications close at 5pm on Monday 15 August.


Category: Job Vacancies