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It's not OK Christmas Messages
December 09, 2015 at 2:54 PM
Christmas Messages 2015
Family violence increases over the Christmas and holiday time in New Zealand.
The latest NZ Crime and Safety Survey showed that only 24% of people report family violence incidents to Police. This means at least 76% of people affected by family violence need help from family, friends and others they know.
Police and social services get involved in family violence incidents after they’ve happened. It is friends, family members, colleagues and neighbours who are best placed to notice before or when violence is happening.
Violence might be physical, sexual, financial or psychological abuse such as put downs, coercive control and intimidation.
If you see, hear or suspect that someone you know is being hurt – even if it’s just a gut feeling – don’t ignore it.
Here are our Christmas messages for 2015:
- It’s OK to help
- Offer practical help such as
- babysitting
- shared meals
- time out
- Create safe opportunities for someone you are worried about to talk to you and share what’s happening
- Children cannot keep themselves safe – if you are worried about a child you need to contact Police or other professionals
- Kids are safer when you’re sober
- It’s not OK to blame the booze.
The It’s not OK family violence information line operates every day of the year from 9am to 11pm. You can call for advice as well as information about family violence prevention services.
Never put your own safety at risk – call Police on 111.
For more info or help around media contact:
Stephanie Edmond
DD (04) 916 3840 029 200 6102 and