Issues Paper 6 Available from NZFVC

April 10, 2014 at 9:55 AM

Issues Paper 6 is now available from the NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse. Kaupapa Maori wellbeing framework: The basis for whanau violence prevention and intervention.

The paper highlights the need for alternative prevention and intervention strategies to curb the epidemic of family violence in New Zealand. In particular, the paper comments on the failure of Western frameworks to address the complex factors which contribute to whanau violence. These factors include the ongoing impacts of colonisation, poverty, social marginalisation, racism and structural stressors such as unemployment.

Culturally responsive initiatives and programmes that restore and strengthen whanau and communities should be considered alongside the more traditional Western approaches which focus on individual or couple based interventions.

The use of cultural imperatives, for example, whakapapa, tikanga, wairua, tapu, mauri and mana, has the potential to inform wellbeing in intimate partner and whanau relationships.

You can read the report here.

Category: Research