HIPPY - Pre-school programme for 3 to 4 years olds

March 29, 2019 at 1:08 PM

From HIPPY Henderson South, MPHS, posted on the Community Waitakere Noticeboard

Do you want your preschool child/children to arrive at school ready to learn?

Well our HIPPY Programme might be just what your child needs.

Click here to download the flyer

If you live in the McLaren Park or Henderson South area and have a child who will be aged 3 to 4 ½ years old in 2019, then the HIPPY Programme could be for you.

HIPPY is a home-based transition to school programme which supports parents in becoming actively involved in their 3 to 5-year-old children’s learning. Parents and children work together using storybooks, puzzles and learning games which help children become successful learners at school.

Tutors, who do HIPPY with their own child, show the other parents what to do. They deliver a series of sixty activity workbooks through fortnightly home visits and group meetings. Parents then spend fifteen minutes a day, five days a week one on one with their child, doing the activities.

Children can begin HIPPY between 3 and 4½ years of age and participate in the programme for up to two years. They can do HIPPY as well as attend an ECE Centre, and carry on when they start school. It costs only $1 a week, which includes weekly workbooks and storybooks.
HIPPY children are confident, settle into school quickly, love learning and feel good about themselves.

If you wish to find out more we would love to hear from you, so call us and talk to the Programme coordinator - phone 09 838 4820 opt. 4 Monday-Friday

Category: Programmes