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Have Your Say: Summary Report
April 12, 2019 at 12:54 PM
From the Child Wellbeing Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Thank you to everyone who made time to share their ideas and perspectives about what will help improve the lives of our children and young people. With the support of partner agencies, we heard from more than 10,000 New Zealanders from a range of different backgrounds and experiences, including frontline workers, community groups, NGO’s and local government. In particular, we've made a real effort to hear from children and young people, Māori and iwi groups, and those whose voices are less often heard. A summary report of the public engagement is now available on our website, and is outlined below.
What we asked
We asked people to tell us what good wellbeing means to them, what are the things that get in the way, and what we can do to help children and young people have a good life, now and in the future.
We also asked for specific feedback on the proposed Outcomes Framework, including the vision statement, principles, outcome statements, and an indicative list of 16 potential focus areas.
What we heard
Overall, the feedback reflects a strong desire for a fairer society where every child has the best start in life and has what they need to thrive.
There’s enormous support for a Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy, with people expressing high hopes and expectation that something real and tangible will come from it.
Key insights
- Change is needed, and it’s needed now.
- The Strategy needs to be bigger than the government of the day.
- Local communities are integral to the success of the Strategy.
- The Strategy needs to have a focus on family and whānau wellbeing.
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi should be a clear and empowering dimension of the Strategy.
- The Strategy needs to focus on reducing inequity.
- A good life is more than the bare basics.
- Children and young people have a right to be included in the decision making process.
- Invest in ensuring all kids get a great education.
- Focus on early intervention and specifically the first 1000 days.
- Government, agencies, and community services need to work together better.
Read the full 'Have your Say: Summary report'