Group Leadership Training: Intermediate with Fay Lilian

January 20, 2017 at 12:05 PM

Download the flyer here.



 Fay Lilian

Friday 5 May - Saturday 6 May 2017

Central Auckland 

This ten-hour experiential training is highly suitable for people have already gained basic facilitation skills through other training or group experience.  It is for facilitators of personal development or psycho-educational groups, or family violence prevention programmes, for tutors of learning or adult education programmes; people who would like to extend their understanding of group life through knowledge of some key concepts and theory.  When we view any group as a whole entity with predictable impulses, the way we work as leaders is enhanced. 

Participants can expect to draw upon their own experiences as group members or facilitators to strengthen their ability to recognise group life phases, group themes, common challenges and possible interventions that might be made.  Action methods will be used to enhance theoretical and experiential learning.

We will consider conscious and unconscious dynamics in co-facilitation and in the group and the possible effects on group-life.  We will practise processes that might be used to develop an equal partnership in co-facilitation.  Fay will draw on participants' interests and concerns to facilitate teaching and the sharing of our collective wisdom, skills, experience and ideas through playful practise and experimentation together.

When:    9.30am – 1.45pm, Friday 5 May

                 (lunch:  bring your own as brief break only – microwave available)


                 9.30am – 4.45pm, Saturday  6 May

                 (lunch: cafes and bakery within walking distance, or byo. Coffee, tea, biscuits provided)


Fee:        $160 must be paid by 28 April when the viability of this training will be decided.   

                 Min & max numbers apply; if you withdraw fee is non-refundable but 65% transferable. 


Venue:  Kotare Centre, 9 Kotare Ave (cnr of Kotare and Rawene Av) Westmere, Auckland


Fay Lilian MHPrac,  PgDipHSc (Grp Psychotherapy), PgCertHSc (Clinical Spvn),  DipCouns (Groups), MNZAC.

Fay aims to focus on some of the theory and key concepts she has learned and found particularly useful over many years as a groupwork trainer, supervisor, and facilitator of a wide range of educational and personal development programmes.  Fay’s training includes family violence prevention, psychodrama, group analysis, narrative and family therapies. 


Please complete the form below and forward email to: 


Enrolment Form

Name …………………………………………            Email ……………………………………………

Organisation: (if applicable) ………………….…………………………………………………..

Phone (day)  ………………………………...  Mobile ……………….………………………….


Fee:  $160  to Bank A/c: Fay Lilian, ASB Bank  12 3053 0394684 00  on ……………………… 

          or Cheque to: Fay Lilian, 1/42 Fairlands Av Waterview Auckland 1026

Category: Training