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Govt hosts workshop on strengthening criminal justice system for victims
March 22, 2019 at 2:20 PM
As part of the Government's work on criminal justice reform, Chief Victims Advisor Kim McGregor has hosted a two day workshop, Hāpaitia te Oranga Tangata Safe and Effective Justice: Strengthening the Criminal Justice System for Victims. The workshop, held on 4-5 March, was attended by 160 victims, victim advocates, judiciary, government officials and victim experts.
Dr McGregor shared preliminary results from the Strengthening the Criminal Justice System for Victims Survey. More than 600 people completed the survey. Dr McGregor said "There is still a long way to go to provide victims with the support and guidance they need when navigating the criminal justice system," noting that 57% of people who completed the survey said they had a poor or very poor overall experience of the criminal justice system.