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Government consulting on draft ageing strategy
May 03, 2019 at 11:34 AM
The Government is inviting feedback on a draft new ageing strategy.
The deadline to submit feedback is 3 June 2019.
The strategy, Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumātua 2019 to 2034, includes safety and elder abuse.
One of the five key principles outlined in the strategy is "Te noho haumaru - Keeping people safe: Older people should feel and be safe, living free from abuse and neglect."
The strategy includes five key areas for action. The action area Enhancing opportunities for social connection and participation includes a focus on safety and elder abuse:
"Numbers of people suffering elder abuse and neglect could increase as numbers of older people increase. As abuse is usually at the hands of a family member or a person of trust, the impact on victims is significant.
What we want to achieve
- Older people feel and are safe.
- The prevalence of elder abuse is reduced and victims are well supported.
What needs to happen
- Communities work to identify and address safety concerns for older people.
- Create a co-ordinated, system-wide approach to preventing, identifying and reducing elder abuse.
- Raise awareness of the risk factors and occurrence of elder abuse.
- Victims of elder abuse access the support they need."
In the foreword, Minister for Seniors Tracey Martin says: "This draft strategy recognises that we need to take a fresh look at what we have to do to make sure New Zealand has the right policies in place for our ageing population."
Click here for more information