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Government consultation on use of data and social wellbeing strategy
May 11, 2018 at 10:46 AM
Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni has announced the Government is seeking feedback on its proposed approach to "investing for social wellbeing," and a policy for the protection and use of personal information.
From May to August 2018, the Social Investment Agency (SIA) will be talking with non-government organisations (NGOs), government agencies and people who use social sector services at public hui around the country, including South Auckland on Thursday 31 May and Central Auckland on Friday 1 June.
Specifically, the SIA will be asking about:
"1. The Government's proposed approach to investing for social wellbeing
2. The protection and use of personal information in the social sector"
An initial list of hui is on the SIA website. More hui will be added to the list as they are scheduled.
Feedback from these hui will inform the Government’s approach to "investing in social wellbeing" and a draft policy for the social sector about using and protecting the personal information of people who use social services. The draft policy is expected to be available near the end of 2018 and finalised in 2019.
Click here for more information