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#FreedomForWāhine Hui
February 16, 2018 at 12:12 PM
Amnesty International and ActionStation welcome you to our one day hui, #FreedomForWāhine, on Friday 16 March, 9am-5pm at the Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mount Albert Rd, Three Kings, Auckland.
The purpose of the #FreedomForWāhine Hui is to bring together individuals and organisations working to end violence of all forms against those who identify as wāhine/women. Both Amnesty International and ActionStation want to advance women’s right to live free and safe lives, and we wish to do so in a way that adds value to the good work already going on in the sector by many of you.
Through the #FreedomForWāhine Hui, we’d like to:
- Contribute to collaborative working relationships amongst people working in the sector;
- Identify key policy asks to campaign for over the next three years;
- Complete an analysis of the landscape of the sector so we can identify gaps that we may be able to help fill in order to achieve the agreed upon policy goals.
Please complete our RSVP form if you’re able to come.
We’ve also put together a short survey for attendees to complete that will help us shape the agenda; your answers are crucial to this process.
We’re sourcing an external facilitator to guide our discussions and bring a fresh perspective. We’ll be able to confirm who the facilitator is in the coming weeks.
Kai and childcare will be provided. This event is open to people working to advance the rights of people who identify as women/wāhine. It is an LGBT+ friendly space that requires all attendees to participate with respect and kindness.
Please feel free to send through any questions you may have.
Ngā mihi,
Deirdre Sims & Meg De Ronde on behalf of Amnesty International New Zealand and Laura O’Connell-Rapira on behalf of ActionStation