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First results available from new annual crime survey
January 25, 2019 at 9:23 AM
The Ministry of Justice has published the first results from the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) 2018.
This was the first year for the new survey which will be run annually. It replaces the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) which was run every three to four years.
The NZCVS survey has various modules. The core module has a series of questions which will be repeated every year. There is also a 'revolving' module which will change each year, focusing on specific aspects of victimisation or types of crime. In 2018, the revolving module focused on family violence.
The report, NZ Crime and Victims Survey: Topline report: March – September 2018 (Cycle 1), summarises high level or 'topline' findings. These include:
- The extent and nature of crime and victimisation in New Zealand
- The extent and nature of crime that is reported or unreported to Police
- Information about victims of crime.
More than 8000 New Zealanders over 15 years of age were asked questions about crime they had experienced. Some findings include:
- Women (21%) were more likely than men (10%) to have experienced one or more incidents of partner violence in their lifetime
- Women (34%) were more likely than men (12%) to have experienced one or more incidents of sexual violence in their lifetime
- Māori (37%) were more likely to be victims of crime compared to the national average (29%)
- Less than a quarter (23%) of all crime was reported to the Police over the last 12 months.
Click here for more information about the report