Financial support for foster carers to be reviewed

May 17, 2019 at 11:36 AM



Oranga Tamariki will conduct the first ever full review of the financial assistance provided to foster and other caregivers, Children’s Minister Tracey Martin announced today.

“This Government wants all children and young people to be cared for in safe, stable, loving homes,” the Minister said.

“I know that foster carers don’t do the job for money, but they do need a range of support to help them fulfil their role and financial assistance is part of this.

“That is why Cabinet has agreed that the Ministry should do this review.”  

The review will look at the three main benefits paid to caregivers - the Foster Care Allowance, Orphan’s Benefit, and Unsupported Child’s Benefit - and their associated payments. It will consider the level and consistency of payments and the appropriateness of the eligibility criteria.

The Minister said that changes to these payments have taken place over the years, but there had not been a fundamental review and adjustments had not always kept pace with societal changes.

Click here to read the rest of the release

Category: Oranga Tamariki