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Family and Sexual Violence Hui
February 01, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Kia Ora koutou (greetings to you all), my name is Diana Neru and I hail from Waikawa on the East Coast of the North Island. At present I’m leading Family Violence Prevention for Auckland Council pending Kelly Maung’s return from parental leave.
In brief, I’ve worked for Iwi and Urban Maori Authorities, Government and NGO’s across health, social services and education disciplines. My last post was Practice Leader for Whanau Oranga (Health and Social Services Unit) in Te Runanganui O Ngati Porou. Prior to that I was seconded to the Ministry of Social Development, Social Sector Trials - Family Start Directorate which nurtured my passion for Child Protection.
I feel very privileged to be joining you on your journey towards exploring the possibilities of a Regional Family and Sexual Violence Network. While still new, the potential for working together regionally towards achieving violence free living here in Tamaki Makarau, for me, is thrilling.
Looking forward to meeting you all and of course, please feel free to bring any other ideas or issues you would like to discuss.
The next Regional Family and Sexual Violence hui will be held in South Auckland as follows:
Date: Thursday, 28 February 2013
Time: 9.30 to 1.00 pm
Venue: Nga Tapuwae Community Centre, 253 Bucklands Road, Mangere, Auckland
Information about this hui is attached here - please feel free to pass this on to your networks. We are currently working on an agenda/format for the day. As usual, any input is welcome and as soon as it is finalised I will send this to you.
For catering purposes please let me know if you will be attending and advise of any special dietary requirements by Tuesday, 19 February 2013.
Nga mihi,
Diana Neru | Project Leader Family Violence Prevention
Community Development, Arts and Culture
Community Safety - West
P: 09 301 0101 extn (42) 9036| M: 021 244 7518
Let's be violenceFREE
Te Kaunihera o Tamaki Makaurau - Auckland Council
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