Ethnic Wardens wanted for West Auckland

August 04, 2017 at 11:44 AM

*From the Community Waitakere Noticeboard*

Waitakere Ethnic Board in partnership with  Waitemata Police would like to re-establish the Ethnic Wardens for West Auckland. We are requesting all persons within our West Auckland ethnic community who are passionate and energetic and wish to become a volunteer Ethnic Wardens, to contact us.

Auckland prides itself as being the most diverse city in the world, so Waitemata Police would like to re-establish the Ethnic Wardens group in Waitakere to reflects this.

This is your chance to take pride and ownership for safety within  West Auckland, and a way for you to positively engage with people in the wider community and giving support and guidance within your own communities, as well as helping to prevent and reduce crime in your area. For some people this could also become a pathway to joining the Police.

You will receive training, and that training will cover assisting Police with: high visibility prevention patrols in crime hotspots and crowded areas;  crowd control at major Ethnic events; personal safety.

If you are keen to volunteer as an Ethnic Warden, we invite you to attend an information  morning on Saturday  the 26th August at the Waitakere Community Resource Centre at  8 Ratanui Street Henderson between 10:00am to 12:00pm. Morning tea provided .

To book your interest in attending please contact via email Baljit  or Mandeep

This is an information morning only and there is no obligation to sign up as a volunteer for those attending.

Police vetting form attached

Category: Community Notices