E Tū Whānau 2019 poster competition and film challenge

April 05, 2019 at 11:25 AM

From the NZFVC

E Tū Whānau is holding their second annual poster design competition. 

The poster competition is designed to highlight E Tū Whānau's movement for positive change in response to violence:

"Art and design are powerful tools to communicate ideas, convey emotion, and inspire action. The values which underpin E Tū Whānau also provide endless possibilities for innovative design."

To enter the competition posters need to feature one of the following E Tū Whānau values:

  • Whanaungatanga (It’s about being connected) (colour: Turquoise/Blue)
  • Tikanga (Doing things the right way, according to our values) (colour: Violet)
  • Kōrero Awhi (Positive communication and actions) (colour: Magenta)

The poster must incorporate the value as a theme, as well as the word and the related colour. For more details see the poster competition rules and information and follow the E Tū Whānau Facebook page.

You can submit posters from 15 April to 5 May 2019. Voting will be open from 6 to 15 May 2019. 

In addition to prizes, winning entries selected by the judges will be used to create new posters for the E Tū Whānau values. See the winning posters from the 2018 competition.

Click here for more information

Category: Campaigns