Disability Abuse Conference Webinar

December 10, 2014 at 4:24 PM

It all began with one woman’s story that highlighted how difficult it is for people living with a disability and facing abuse to get help and support, says Gisborne Social Sector Trial Manager, Leslynne Jackson. “Her story caused me to question; are people who are dependent on others for their care more likely to be abused? What more can our community do to protect all vulnerable people?

Thanks to Lottery funding these questions and more were answered in a research report released last year by Dr Michael Roguski. His report: ‘The Hidden Abuse of Disabled People Residing in the Community’ was based on interviews with 35 people in Tairawhiti. This included people living with disabilities and their whanau as well as people working in the disability sector or with those that had experienced abuse.

Based on the findings of that research He Wawata - Disability Abuse Conference will be held in Gisborne on Monday 15 December. The aim of the conference is to find ways to break down barriers for people living with disabilities to get the right support when they have experienced abuse. Tairawhiti Disabled Persons Assembly Chairperson, Trudel McKeown says “the conference is being held by webinar so that people from around New Zealand, regardless of impairment, can join the conversation”.


To find out more including how to register for the webinar see the attached flyer or read the full press release

Category: Community Notices