Dayspring Trust: Upcoming Courses

June 29, 2017 at 4:27 PM

*From the Community Waitakere Noticeboard*

Circle of Security Parenting Programme 

Early attachment programme, supporting your child’s emotional needs and promoting a secure relationship between parent and child. 

Term 3 dates: Monday 31 July - Monday 18 September 2017. 

8 sessions.

Time: 10am til 12noon. 

Cost $80.


Creative Art Classes

Suitable for all levels, new clients receive starter pack including a visual art diary and range of pencils. All paints and canvas paper provided. 

Express yourself and your feelings using medium of art. 

Term 3 dates: Monday 24 July -  Monday 25 September 2017    

Time: 10am – 1.30pm 
Cost: $80

Download the flyer here.


Sewing Classes

Suitable for beginners to advanced sewers. 
Please BYO material and patterns, and a small sewing kit including pins, scissors, cotton, tape measure, unpicker and tailor’s chalk/pencil. 

Term 3 dates: Friday 28th July - Friday 29th September 2017

Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm
Cost: $65

Download the flyer here.


Creche available for 0-5 year olds for $1 per session while you attend our classes.

All classes held at Dayspring Trust , 2 Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. 

Bookings are essential.  
Please phone Karen (09) 827-6321 to register or for more information or email 

Category: Service