Criminal Justice Advisory Group public meetings; related research and reports

November 09, 2018 at 3:54 PM

From the NZFVC

The Safe and Effective Justice Programme Advisory Group ­– Te Uepū Hāpai i te Ora is seeking feedback from the public about the criminal justice system.

Te Uepū is currently holding meetings and public drop-in sessions around the country (details below). You can also submit feedback in writing.

Te Uepū Advisory Chair Chester Borrows said

“We’re focused on hearing from people whose lives and work are affected by the criminal justice system, and canvassing ideas on how it can be improved.”

For upcoming dates and locations see the Hāpaitia te Oranga Tangata / Safe and Effective Justice website.

You can also submit feedback online via the Hāpaitia te Oranga Tangata website or make a submission or request a meeting by writing directly to Te Uepū.

Click here for more information

Category: Reviews