Community Research: Indigenous Evaluation Webinar

November 23, 2018 at 11:52 AM

From Community Research

How and in what ways can indigenous evaluators and indigenous communities draw upon traditional knowledge to guide evaluation theory and practice?

In this webinar experienced evaluator Kataraina Pipi will host four keynote speakers from the Mā Te Rae Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Evaluation. Join Kataraina, along with Paora Messiah Te Hurihanganui, Dr Manulani Aluli Meyer, Marcus Akuhata-Brown and Richard Weston to hear their whakaaro on this important topic.

This webinar will cover:

  • the principles of evaluation, by, for and as indigenous peoples, 
  • the role of traditional knowledge in the evaluation process,
  • the purpose of Mā Te Rae and the work they do,
  • the importance of cultural paradigms in evaluation and research.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018 11:00 AM - Book here

Category: Training