Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS)

March 22, 2019 at 2:19 PM

From Te Tari Taiwhenua Internal Affairs

Information for community organisations: Three key changes to the Community Organisations Grants Scheme (COGS)

Three key changes to the Community Organisations Grants Scheme (COGS) will come into effect for the 2019 funding round. This document provides information to community organisations about these changes and how they will be applied.

The three changes are:

  1. introduction of multi-year funding
  2. criteria change to strengthen the focus of COGS towards small organisations
  3. update of the COGS funding formula.

Each of these changes will be discussed at upcoming public meetings. For details about the 2019 COGS public meetings, please visit Alternatively you can contact a local advisor on 0800 824 824.

Click here to download the document for more information


Category: Funding