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Community Investment Update
October 08, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Community Investment Update
Message from Murray Edridge – Community Investment
Tēnā koutou katoa
When I last wrote we’d just got underway with a series of workshops to introduce the Community Investment Strategy. The 19 sessions held around the country were a chance to start a conversation about our future direction, and I think the importance of what we’re embarking on was reflected in the large number of you who came along – thank you for taking the time to do that.
We’re continuing our conversations regionally and nationally with providers and others in our communities, and I talked a little about this with Ros Rice last month as part of the ‘Collaborative Voices’ programme on Access Radio. Our discussion ranged from the key elements of the Strategy and our current work programmes, to why this year’s contracts with MSD-funded providers are for a one-year period. A link to the interview is included in the Community Investment Strategy article below if you’d like to have a listen.
In this Community Investment Update we’ve also got reminders about obligations under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, an update on the Cross-Government Accreditation project, and items on recent and upcoming events. I was privileged to attend one of these - the Wellington launch of the Kiribati Family Violence Conceptual Framework, which took place as part of Kiribati Independence Day celebrations. The strong sense of community evident at this event made it a fitting occasion for launching this addition to Nga Vaka o Kāinga Tapu – The Pacific Conceptual Framework.
There’s one event we haven’t mentioned that’s pretty special to us. Community Investment was established one year ago, on 1 October. We took the opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and the highs and the lows of this first year – because inevitably there are both! - and to look ahead to the opportunities we’ll have for working alongside providers and communities to make a difference where it’s most needed for vulnerable New Zealanders.
Ngā mihi nui,
In this issue:
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