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Common Cause Workshop: Values and frames that motivate change
November 24, 2017 at 8:56 AM
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
When & where:
Auckland, Monday 27 November 2017, 9am-3pm.
Kohia Centre, University of Auckland Epsom Campus, 78 Epsom Avenue, Auckland.
Wellington, Wednesday 29 November 2017, 9am-3pm.
PSA House, Level 6, 11 Aurora Terrace, Wellington.
Training provided by Common Cause Australia
<Cost: $199. Register now for Auckland or Wellington
Common Cause Communications Masterclass workshops will also be held in Auckland(28 November or 1 December) and Wellington (30 November).
The workshop is for those new to values and frames-based community engagement. We explore how values and frames work, why they matter, and what a values-based approach to community engagement means for individuals, organisations and movements seeking to create a more just, sustainable and democratic world.
Who should attend
This workshop is tailored for campaigners, communicators, organisers and leaders of progressive organisations who want to motivate deeper and more durable support for their issues and in so doing create a more just, sustainable and democratic world.
This hands on masterclass is for those who already have a grasp of the Common Cause fundamentals and want practical support with applying values and frames principles to their communications.