Come along and meet the WDHB Election Candidates

September 08, 2016 at 1:53 PM

Come along and meet the WDHB Election Candidates

The West Auckland Community is invited to meet the



Tuesday 13th September 2016, 11:30am to 1:30pm

Activity Room 2, Kelston Community Centre, Kelston

Waitakere Health Link is providing an opportunity following our AGM for Waitemata District Health Board Election Candidates to meet the West Auckland community. Election Candidates attending are: Edward Benson-Cooper, Michelle Clayton, Sandra Coney, Mark Dunlop, Warren Flaunty, Francisco Hernandez, Peter Leong, Norm McKenzie and Brian Neeson

 Please send any questions you would like to ask the election candidates

in advance to 

Everyone Welcome

Please come along and bring your friends, family and neighbours.

Please share this information with your facebook friends, clubs, and organisations in our community.

Light refreshments provided

RSVP by 9 Sep to or Ph 839 0512

Category: Community Notices