Children and Families Research Fund

May 10, 2019 at 1:43 PM

From the Ministry of Social Development

Each year the Government awards up to $750,000 in funding for social policy-relevant research to further investigation of the information gathered by the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal study.

Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) collects information from 6,800 children and their families so we can understand what it means to grow up in 21st Century New Zealand. The analysis of this information is helping shape government policies that better meet the needs of New Zealand children and families.

The Children and Families Research Fund supports researchers to access GUiNZ data and to undertake research that informs priority policy areas. It is open to applications from academics, government agencies, public and independent research organisations and non-government organisations.

The aim is to see more research that meets the evidence needs of New Zealand’s diverse population, and build the capacity for research with longitudinal data, including with early career researchers and those outside of academia.

The 2019 funding round is open from 4 June 2019 to 26 July 2019.

Click here for more information on how to apply for funding

Click here to read the Press Release from Hon Carmel Sepuloni on the recipients of funding from round 3 of the Children and Families Research Fund

Category: Research