Child Health Forum

October 09, 2013 at 10:24 AM

Child Health is the topic of a NGO Health Network Forum in Kelston on Tuesday 22nd October 2013 9am to 11am.

Venue: Activity Room 1, Kelston Community Centre, Cnr Awaroa Road and Great North Road, Kelston.

 This is a unique opportunity for NGOs to input into 3 Case Studies on Child HEalth abd discuss how they might contribute to improving health for children and their families in the West.

The forum will be facilitated by Tim Jelleyman, Paediatrician, WDHB.

1. An infant who is in Child, Youth & Family Care, who is being assessed by the Gateway Assessment Programme - presented by Amanda Greenwood, Gateway Assessment Co-ordinator

2. An intermediate school aged child, who has come to the attention of the public health nurse – presented by Sue Wilson, Clinical Nurse Specialist Youth Health

3. The pathway followed by an infant as they move through maternity, neonatal services, well child providers and primary care - presented by Natalie Desmond, Immunisation Operations Project Manager Waitemata & Auckland DHB

Background information on the three case studies will be available soon.

RSVP by 15 October to 839 0512 or

Category: White Paper for vulnerable children