AUT postgraduate Violence and Trauma Studies

January 22, 2016 at 8:48 AM

AUT postgraduate Violence and Trauma Studies

*from the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is offering a postgraduate programme in Violence and Trauma Studies.

The aim of the programme is to provide professional vocational training that will reduce damaging behaviour in the community. The programme builds theory, awareness and skills for working in chosen areas and solving problems of behaviour that reduce life potential.

For a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science in Violence and Trauma Studies, students complete three papers:

COMH 801 Theory and Principles of Violence and Trauma
(Semester 1 & 2, 30 pts)
COMH 802 Effective Practice 
(Semester 2 - 15 pts)
COMH 803 Groups as agents of change 
(Semester 1 - 15 pts)

The course can be completed part-time or full time. Study in is block courses in March and August 2016, supported by online processes and contact. There are written assignments and no exams. Applicants need to have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.

Students may then go on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science in Violence and Trauma Studies, and a Masters in Health Practice or Health Science (Violence and Trauma Studies) or if eligible, enter the programme at those levels. The Postgraduate Diploma consists of:

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science in Violence and Trauma Studies (60 pts)
COMH 804 Resolving Conflict in Practice
(Sem 2 - 15pts)
589127 Practice Reality
(Sem 1 or Sem 2, online - 15pts)
589125 Integrative Research
(Sem 1 on Campus, Sem 2 online - 15pts)
589130 Special Topic 
(Sem 1, 2, 3, Individual Supervision - 15pts) 

The Postgraduate Programme Leader for Violence and Trauma Studies is Warwick Pudney.

For more information, see:

Postgraduate study in Preventing Violence and Generating Trauma Recovery flyer (PDF, 611.29 KB)

Violence and Trauma Studies: postgraduate qualifications and papers at AUT

For further information on education and training opportunities in family and whānau violence, see the NZFVC Education and training pages.

Please note that course listing does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, as we are not able to review the training provided.


Category: Training